lundi 15 octobre 2012

Target Strategy

Two segments:

  • Parents 

Segmentation has been made by stakeholders.
We’re brand new so our cognitive goal is to conquer PARENTS.
Parents are our marketing and communication target.

Parents we target are aged 20 to 40 years old from Western Europe and North America and may be earning more than $40,000 a year to be acceptable by adoption services. We expect parents to be able to financially meet children's needs.

Parents may pass an exam of their motivation for adoption. A psychologist will meet them to define their expectations about it. 

What to say in our message?
·     We need PARENTS because they expect to adopt children and Ethiopian ones would love sharing their life,
·     Children should be interviewed to meet parents’ expectations

jeudi 4 octobre 2012


I've selected a great web site: Intercountry adoption.
This web site deals with important and necessary topics like:

Hague Convention Information
Who Can Adopt
Who Can Be Adopted
How To Adopt
Traveling Abroad
After Adoption

They have find the good questions and give effective advices to family. 
In the blog there are statistics and a lot of studies about adoption procedure in Ethiopia.
We want to improve this perfect blog and add the notion of chatting.

Adopt an ethiopian. com wants to connect people with  similar project of adoption.

We integrate digital innovation like conference call with lawyers, children judge ... 
Families would like to have testimonies and practical advices. 

Competitor # 2: SOS Enfants Ethiopie.

SOS Enfants Ethiopie was created over 20 years ago in 1989 by Jacqueline and Yves Ferez. This NGO, whose goal is to help orphaned and abandoned children, had originally built an orphanage to accommodate around fifty children in Addis Ababa.
SOSEE has been able to help more and more needy children. Today SOSEE includes orphanages, learning centers, cereal and horticultural farms and about fifteen admission centers located throughout the country.

SOS website is really complete for future parents and donators, there is a lot information about Ethiopia, orphanage center etc... But there is nothing about a concrete approach of adoption... Who can adopt? How... ? adoption procedure...
Our blog is maybe a complement of this website, let's have some advices...

Legal Policy: 


Ethiopia is not a party to the Hague Convention of 29 May 1993 on Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Inter-country Adoption.

Only married couples are allowed to adopt. Just that one spouse is 25 years of age. Both spouses must consent to the adoption, unless it is the adoption of your spouse's child.
Adopters may, at the time of adoption, have biological or adopted children.

  • Anyone aged under 18 whose parents or guardians have consented to the adoption is adoption.
  • Any child old enough to express his opinion will be heard by either the judge or by a social worker, before the judgment of adoption.
All adoption records should be in advance, held by a french Agency Approved for Adoption (OAA), proficient in the district of residence of the adoptive parents. He will be responsible for investigating the case with the Ethiopian Ministry of Women (Ministry of Women's Affairs).